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It's the end of the semester. You've just given your class presentation and you've turned in your research paper for your final assignment, which you've been obsessing over for the last 4 months. What now?


Academic research papers are by and large tragic creations, not dissimilar to Dr. Frankenstein’s wretched creation. Just like the good doctor, students pursue a question with the best intentions and hope to find an answer that is both exhaustive and satisfying. Just like the good doctor, students dig deep into the research of their predecessors and assemble together choice citations to form the body of their arguments. And just like the good doctor, students raise the Adam or their labor; in the form of a paper and a class presentation for their instructor’s review, only to then abandon it come the end of the academic semester. The fact remains that not all research papers are created equal. Whilst certain research papers are celebrated and published in specific academic journals they are by and large invisible to those outside the circle of peers. At worst these papers are forgotten, left to gather dust on a shelf or in a drawer, without a second’s thought.

All romantic notions aside, there is an intrinsic problem with the academic research paper, which results in this shocking waste of brainpower and precious man-hours. The first part of the problem is that once an academic research paper has been completed, presented, reviewed and published it will likely no longer serve any productive purpose beyond the term of the course.

Taking Research Papers Beyond The Page

The second part of the problem is that an academic research paper is by nature intended for academic peers and therefore is likely inaccessible to people outside of the intended academic context. Simply put, the author wrote the paper for his or her peers and not for the public. This last part is particularly vexing as it clearly points to a missed opportunity to both reach a new audience and to restore a research paper’s purpose.

Beyond The Page gives the academic research paper a renewed purpose.
Beyond The Page is a collaborative interdepartmental project that tackles this particular academic problem head-on by bringing together bright and creative students of different academic or professional pursuits who are interested in broadening the understanding of a researched subject.


The project’s principle goal is to encourage collaborating students to take a research paper, transform it into new mediums and take it into a place the author never truly considered: the public sphere.

  • We will transform research into new mediums.
  • We will translate research in a language that is accessible to the general public.
  • Academic research is also passion driven.
  • We will architect a collaborative community that make research more entertaining and accessible.
  • The collaborative community forms a functional and inter-connected composition that will encourage an ongoing academic narrative.
  • Academic curiosity can be better organized to take on a compound affect.

Mission Statement

  • Beyond the Pages aims to infuse a new vitality into old research through collective mediation.
  • We are striving to set a precedence.
  • We will give old research papers a second life and a renewed purpose.
  • In the age of new media, research has the opportunity to grow, and not just age.
  • Collaborative communities engage around entertaining content.
  • Entertainment at its core is passion driven.
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